Monday 23 February 2015

Zoo Posters Development

Initially, I went with designing a poster focused on a reasonably recognisable part of a zoo animal (the ear), trying to recreate my sketches using a found photo, then from the drawing I scanned in. These both weren't as successful as I had hoped, as the photograph I had was not of very high quality, so if I was able, I would have gone to the zoo and taken images of my own to work with. I still wanted to work with the ear image of the giraffe, as I had created my own type for the word 'listen' to go with the image, and ended up with the 'cutout' filter in photoshop, that made it look like a combination inbetween the photograph and my drawn version.

From looking at the piece by Dave Buonaguidi, I started off with photos I had taken on a previous visit to the zoo, and found a simple, bold font that worked against the images of the animals. Then I experimented with using colours, where the off-white I had chosen for the other images didn't work against the white of the animal.

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